Duration: 8 Weeks
Description: This course is introduced as the first course of programming for college &
university students and also for anyone who wants to learn basic programming. Students will
become hands-on with Python, the most popular language today. Python is being extensively
used for building industrial applications incorporating, artificial intelligence, data science, and
big data. Besides, it’s an exceptional first programming language for beginners. It is envisioned
that this course will establish a concrete programming foundation for beginners.
Learning Outcomes:
1. A solid programming foundation for absolute beginners.
2. A firm grip on skills necessary to dive into AI, machine learning, data science, and
big data analytics.
Module1 (1 week)
Introduction to Computing and Python
Learning Objectives: Students will learn about:
• Recent trends in Computing
• Object-Oriented programming basics
• Introduction to Python and data science libraries.
• Introducing IPython and Jupyter Notebook.
• A glimpse of big data and artificial intelligence
Module2 (1 week)
Introduction to Python Programming
Learning Objectives: Students will learn about:
• Writing Python Programs
• Variables, data types, arithmetic and comparison
• built-in functions for input and output and others.
• Objects
Module3(1.5 weeks)
Python Control Statements
Learning Objectives: Students will learn about:
• Loops
o counter-controlled
o sentinel-controlled
• Conditions and Branching
• Using Functional-style programming style to write clear
and concise code.
Module4 (1.5 weeks)
Python Functions
Learning Objectives: Students will learn about:
• Creating custom functions.
• Using Python Standard Library functions.
(1.5 weeks)
Sequences Learning Objectives: Students will learn about:
• Creating lists and tuples and referring to their elements.
• Passing lists and tuples to functions.
• Using list methods
• Using functional-style programming with the help of
• Using operations like map, reduce, and filter
(1.5 weeks)
Python Object Oriented Programming
Learning Objectives: Students will learn about:
• Object-oriented building blocks
• Classes and objects
• Controlling access to attributes